Sitemap - 2012 - 34MAG | 34THPARALLEL.NET

My phone rang and I picked it up and all I could hear was screaming.

Maybe I thought my father was god.

They were magic, like a kind of chocolate from another world.

Yeah, but Mercy, he lives on the other side of the ocean.

He was accusing me without saying a single word.

I swim away with the light of fire and ice.

Making sand castles.

Me looking at my watch while this grey-bearded guy entertains us with profound statements that we’ve heard a hundred times.

Come here, kid, and have a look at the gold on the ceiling.

She remembers playing scrabble with Dad.

We’ll be throwing an old man into the street.

So a baby now?

Nikandros told the clerk that he would take Kristina’s last name instead of vice versa.

My mother has been missing for nine days now. Not dead, but missing.

Hey, maybe I could come work with you guys.

I am endlessly fascinated by the conflicts that come up between the sexes.

Donna Grandin sees her art as a journey.

Only the old Chairman seemed to understand. He had a warm paternal smile that made Wan feel loved.

Is there ever a good time to tell somebody as hot-tempered and high-strung as Sara something like that?

Her playtime with Papá will soon end.

Our best striker just got injured and we have an opening on the team. I can get you a work visa.

The flickering lights of life unfold .

This is you being a good housewife, he said.

It had jaws he knew were gorged with poison. This was a cottonmouth, the most dangerous snake in the swamp.

I kept this to myself for 20 years.

Art is the only answer.

Mike returned to the text he’d been working on all day. Maybe we should forget it happened? Have a nice weekend :)

Imaginary city.

As the unimaginable reality of the military coup unfolded I wrote incessantly in my diary.

We’ll never get out of here.

She picked up a fallen flower and cupped it in her hands. “Life is so sad,” she said. “Nothing lasts.”

I know this about that stew, I picked the mushrooms for it myself. Everybody knows there ain’t no annadote for a belly full of death caps.

Pulled into Nazareth, feeling about half past dead/ Just lookin for a place where I can lay my head.