You are always surprised when you look back through her messages because being attached to people, like you had been attached to her, intimidated you.
I wanted to let you know how my day was going. You know, every day when we talk we always have these sorts of what-ifs about our lives. I had one today with my list. And I can tell you about my list, and my what-if, and you can tell me about yours.
“Did you see the YouTube video I posted on your wall? That cat. Did you read the article I sent you? Three cars got stolen in my neighborhood last week,” she wrote. Her randoms, they became her stories. “When I was five, I tripped on the sidewalk while on a walk with my mother. Almost broke my nose. If you have pictures of any injuries you’ve had, let me see them. Remember when I used to hang outside of the nurse’s office at camp, watching all the kids with bandages or icepacks walk out the door? I followed them back to their bunks. I wanted to see them function with parts of their bodies restricted. Restriction, especially of something we take for granted, is so fasc…