Why do you feel the need to grill me about some dinner I had with people from work?
Because the people from your work are all guys who would like nothing more than to fuck you.
The wind was gusting so hard that it blew the rainbow-colored plastic baby gate off the patio of the neighbor’s house directly into the maple tree in the backyard. It made the light on the motion detector go on and off incessantly, and it ushered most people inside despite the gorgeous sun and cloudless lavender sky. But not Frankie. She stood outside facing the wind, probably trying to see how long she could stand without stepping back to brace herself. Her long brown hair whipped around her violently; secured miraculously by the grey knit cap she had bought on the street the day before when they heard the nor’easter was coming. Her tall, zaftig frame held steady against the thrusting gales, her glasses slightly askew, ready for the next adjustment at the optometrist. The black North Face fleece coat, ubiquitous in this college town, made her …