We now have two wars: the one on screen and the one between Broc and Majah.
Majah has only been in town three days when for the first time in history the town is hit by a freak snowstorm and then rain that turns it all to ice. Everything’s covered under six feet of iced-topped snow, and there’s no way we can film outdoors, even with all these plows on loan from every neighboring town. The snow collapses the roof of Majah’s trailer and she freaks out because she has a generalized anxiety disorder and has built up a tolerance to Xanax.
I want to get away from Cedar Springs because it’s taking me down. So now you’re probably asking yourself, how can she look back on her life in Hollywood as chill and tight when she was doing all that coke and hanging out at Lady Gaga bars, and how can she think of Cedar Springs, Michigan, as a hateful place messing with her mind? But it’s true and I do, and it’s all because of Malaina Heaven. Yes, that Malaina Heaven. Majah, as the paparazzi call her.
I met Majah because I wo…