The little girl yells at us, “Everyone stop! LOOK! There is something out there!”
If I tell you something, can you keep a secret?
My throat itches every spring. I love it when the weather turns, but every time it causes me to sneeze my brains out. I am speaking more quietly than usual during this season.
I feel like I have to confess something to him. He is sitting next to me so innocently looking out the window and relaxing in our canyon drive. We are headed to the slopes for a quick run becaue we both desperately need to smile.
I decide to tell him the truth, even though speaking hurts my throat. I tell him that I was suicidal all of last year. I told him that ever since I lost my faith I have wanted to kill myself. I tell him that I disregarded all of the beliefs that were imposed on us as children and that in the process, I stopped believing in myself.
I tell him all that is over now. I finally realized that everything is somehow falling right into place and that I trust myself again. I am learning how to beli…