She flipped through a book about a magical kingdom. You know what I like about books?

You never know what you will find when you turn the page.
I watched from the bookstore as people left the gothic church after a winter wedding and felt a dull ache in my stomach spread to my heart. The bookstore was emptier than usual and the loneliness became too much to bear so I put up the closed sign. When a door slammed and footsteps pounded on the sidewalk, I paused.
“Stop, you pest!” someone yelled. I saw Radu grab a street boy and throw him to the ground, then lift a clenched fist to strike him. The boy’s ski hat fell down over his face as he squirmed to get free, but Radu had a strong grip. His punch connected with a sickening thud and the boy let out a high-pitched wail.
Radu saw me watching. “Anton, come and help me. This boy robbed me again.”
I came closer. “Help me,” Radu said again as the boy twisted on the ground. I kicked the boy in the side. The boy winced, and I was going to kick him again until I heard him cr…