A World of Our Own? Yes?
Brother X cranked up a portable record player in our religion class and played A World of Our Own by The Seekers. On the chalkboard he wrote: A World of Our Own? Yes?
Brother X cranked up a portable record player in our religion class and played A World of Our Own by The Seekers. On the chalkboard he wrote: A World of Our Own? Yes?
I sat surprised, curious, mesmerized almost, pondering the ramifications of this tour de force of an introduction to a religion class. I didn’t know what to make of it. Playing a pop song was so far removed from the norm that it was mind-blowing.
When the record had finished, Brother X sat on his desk—that was his signature move—swinging a leg up under his cassock. He waved magisterially in a let-me-have-your-attention kind of wave.
“So-o-o,” he said, pensively stroking his chin. “A world of our own. What do you fine young specimens of American manhood think that’s all about?”
One or two hands went up.…